Workstations with Visual Display Units in Control Rooms — Study of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (baua study)
Through their many years of experience in the planning of control rooms, JST possesses an enormous wealth of experience and an especially deep understanding of the work of operators. For this reason, JST supported the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in its study “Workstations with Visual Display Units in Control Rooms.” Use this know-how to design your control room according to the best technical and ergonomic standards.

Guidebooks, checklists, practical examples, solutions and technical articles for the installation of control rooms, control stations and control centers
Control rooms for monitoring and controlling production and service processes are becoming more and more important. These days, operators mainly carry out their tasks through the use of several computer display units. Accordingly, these activities are considered workstations with visual display units within the meaning of the Ordinance of Workstations with Visual Display Units.
This means that their requirements for the design of workplaces with visual display units must also be complied with in order to ensure occupational health and safety for employees.
Working in control rooms is usually associated with a high level of responsibility:
Bad decisions and actions on the part of the operators working there can have serious consequences for the employees, the immediate surroundings and the environment, as well as considerable financial costs for the company. Damage to the company’s reputation is also a possibility. To enable the operators in control rooms to carry out their work effectively, safely and without interference, the utmost importance must be placed on the design of the control room, the workplace, the work equipment, the surrounding conditions, the organisation of work and, in particular, the human-machine interface.
You can download the complete results as PDF.
On behalf of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), the Gesellschaft für Arbeits-, Wirtschafts- und Organisationspsychologische Forschung (GAWO) in cooperation with the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (IFA) has investigated the question of the extent to which the requirements of the Ordinance of Workstations with Visual Display Units are implemented in control rooms. The aim of this project was, on the one hand, to take stock of the current working conditions in control rooms in various sectors (process and plant control, energy, transport, security services, telecommunications and media) and, on the other hand, to develop recommendations for the ergonomic design of workstations with visual display units in this area.
The Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, “baua” for short, GAWO e.V. and JST have prepared a comprehensive study on workstations with VDUs in control rooms, based on a more than two-year long neutral study on the topic “Workstations with Visual Display Units in Control Rooms.” Of course, the results of the study will be applied to all JST control room projects and designs.
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