Creators of Business
and operation center solutions

CommandButton Box: complex scenarios at the push of a button

Confirm alarm! Light on! Lock the door! You decide which action is to be carried out quickly and without time-consuming input. The CommandButton Box provides switches integrated into the console interface, with which even complex scenarios are available at the push of a button.


This subpage is currently under construction

In the discipline of control room equipment, we are experiencing unprecedented challenges. New concepts and systems are in demand. In the JST development laboratories, standstill is an alien concept. The launch of new solutions for highly efficient control rooms is imminent. Please be patient for a little while longer. The contents of this page are currently being prepared for you.

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Kontrollraumspezialisten von JST

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Telefonischen Beratungstermin vereinbaren. Die Beratung ist kostenfrei und unverbindlich.

I would like to visit the Europe-wide unique control room simulator!


Visiting the control room simulator is free of charge.
We ask for registration and reservation of dates.
Gerne auch als interaktives Online-Meeting

The large practical book of the control rooms

I would like to receive “The Great Practice Book of Control Rooms” from JST!


The praxis book is free of charge for JST customers.

Chosen by leading companies and institutions

What clients report about their experience with JST – Jungmann Systemtechnik®

JST - PCK Schwedt: Control room project managers are very happy
“Compared to the satellite measuring stations and also to the old central measuring station, we have been able to improve in every aspect, be it acoustics, lighting, air conditioning, ergonomics or user-friendliness”.
Eric Sieger, Thomas Taube, Carsten Jungmann (from left to right)
Chief Divisional Engineer for Processing (PCK) / Divisional Engineer for Maintenance Service and Project Coordinator (PCK) / Managing Director (JST)
JST INGAVER: Project team enthusiastic about new control room
The project team is certain: “That ergonomics is an important part of the design of a new control room.”
Project Manager Thorsten Doege (right)
– here with his project team colleagues Thomas Kalkau, Jörg Tienken and Andre Mahler (from left)
JST Referenz BASF Schwarzheide - Vitali Goldnik und Oliver Bender
„High flexibility, reliable performance, no more annoying chair moving – that was already a great experience!“
Vitali Goldnik (left) // Oliver Bender
E&I Engineering BASF SE // Consultant JST
Marvin Volbert (Leitung Technische Anlagen CÜ Charité)
“We now flexibly switch on the systems we want to see depending on the situation – with just one mouse and one keyboard. Three screens at the workstation and the large-screen technology provide a perfect overview.”
Marvin Volbert
Head of Technical Systems CÜ Charité

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Professional control center planning with the following components

JST Das große Praxisbuch der Kontrollräume

Guidebooks, checklists, practical examples, solutions and technical articles for the installation of control rooms, control stations and control centers

The great practical book of control rooms is free of charge for JST customers and interested parties.

Experience more at a planning workshop in the control room simulator

Having visions of the future is good. Experiencing is better! Visit the control room simulator, unique in Europe, where state-of-the-art technology and the latest ergonomic know-how are combined. The control room of the future. The special feature: Here you can touch everything and try it out for yourself.

Whether virtual or live on site – the workshop in the control room simulator is free of charge.
We kindly ask for prior registration.