High-quality control center furniture for 24/7 operation in your control room - perfection is that beautiful

The Stratos X11® control room furniture system is the professional, modular and robust solution for furnishing your control center, control room and control station. Particularly high demands are placed on workplaces in control rooms in terms of technical installation, ergonomics, stability and durability.

It is precisely here that the Stratos X11® sets new standards, making it the absolute No. 1 in Germany. Ready for demanding tasks in shift work, our control room consoles, the Recaro 24/7 operator´s chair as well as the perfectly coordinated surrounding furniture fulfill both ergonomic and aesthetic aspects to the highest perfection.

  • Each system is handmade in Germany
  • Specially designed for 24/7 operation
  • The latest in ergonomics
  • Respond more quickly thanks to AlarmLight System
  • Optically matched to your corporate design
Control center furniture – Stratos X11 for 24/7 service from JST Jungmann REQUEST A NON-BINDING OFFER
Control center furniture – Stratos X11 for 24/7 service from JST Jungmann

The Stratos X11® control room console - impressively perfect

Control center desks in control rooms must meet particularly high requirements in terms of ergonomics, stability and durability. You are more than just a desk and that is why we have developed the Stratos X11® control room console for special requirements. This control center desk sets new standards and makes it the absolute number one in the industry. Tasks in the control room are becoming increasingly complex and control room furniture should provide reliable support. We have the perfect control center table for this.

The most comfortable control center chair for
24/7 use

RECARO24 is our control center chair that really leaves nothing to be desired. It offers fatigue-free and relaxed working around the clock. The special upholstery of the 24/7 chair allows absolute seating comfort – and longevity. Every employee can adjust the control room chair to his or her individual ergonomic needs. He stays focused and fit longer to reliably monitor all events in the control room. Brief: The ergonomic construction, the timeless design and the high-quality workmanship are convincing across the board.

The right surrounding furniture completes the control room

The Stratos X11® control room furniture system is modular and offers numerous design options in the environment of your control center furniture. Your control room and meeting room can be visually adapted to your individual company design. Our AllMedia conference and meeting tables offer numerous combinations of shapes and colors supplemented by intelligent technical features. Cabinets with lockers, elegant cladding for monitor walls, clean installations, functional furniture and wall cabinets skilfully round off the control center equipment.

Learn more about the professional furniture for your control room:

Jungmann Systemtechnik - Solutions - Video Thumbnail
Video Thumbnail JST Control Room - Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin

Selected by leading companies and institutions

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JST Das große Praxisbuch der Kontrollräume

Guidebooks, checklists, practical examples, solutions and technical articles for the installation of control rooms, control stations and control centers

The great practical book of control rooms is free of charge for JST customers and interested parties.

Experience more at a planning workshop in Kontrollraum-Simulator

Having a vision of the future is good. Experience is better! Visit the control room simulator, unique in Europe, which combines state-of-the-art technology and the latest ergonomic know-how. The control room of the future. The extraordinary: Here you can touch everything and try it out for yourself.

The tour of the control room simulator is free of charge.
We kindly request that you register and reserve your appointment.

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