KVM system: The secure solution for your control center!

Flexible access to every system in the control center with just one mouse and keyboard. Any source can be switched to your own monitors at the workstation or optionally to the video wall. These are the key benefits of the KVM systems JST MultiStreaming® and MulitConsoling®. Another advantage: While the operator receives the desired signals directly at his workstation, the computers are protected from access in a technical room and can be operated remotely in real time.

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How KVM technology ensures control and fast reactions

Accurate deficit and risk analysis

Conventional control center applications have one thing in common: they are time-consuming and cost-intensive, at the expense of work quality and ergonomics. Each computer is assigned an individual monitor Inconvenient changes of location often result in high latency times, which can even pose an avoidable safety risk in cases of doubt An additional drawback is that the computers are located in the control room, so they are not protected and also generate heat and noise emissions.

Individual planning and implementation

For efficient workflows and increased security, we recommend our KVM systems (KVM = Keyboard, Video, Mouse) JST MultiStreaming® and MultiConsoling®. The outsourcing of the connected computers to a secure technical room also reduces security risks. Operators are able to access these computers from their workstation in the control room.

Successful transformation

With just one mouse/keyboard unit, the operator has access to all sources and functions of the control center. The KVM system with its clear user interface puts an end to response delays or “chair rallies” along long columns of screens. Faults are detected and solved more quickly.

Heidelberg Materials Geseke - Leitwarte vor dem Umbau Heidelberg Materials Geseke - Leitwarte nach dem Umbau
KVM technology for cross-system control room operation.

Clear leadership for control room management with KVM solutions from JST

Flexible: Every system available at every workstation

Manageable: Only one keyboard and mouse per workstation

Secure: Active against data loss and cybercrime

Fast: operation in real time / short response times

Comfortable: less heat and noise in the control center

Lightning-fast access and intuitive operation in real time

With myGUI® – the Graphical User Interface from JST – operating the control station is child’s play. Intuitive and lightning fast! With just one click, you can control workstations, video walls, cameras, meeting rooms, lighting, media, air conditioning and building technology via the KVM system. Simple switching is all it takes. Pre-defined icons establish the connection to the desired applications and functions. Access via the myGUI® 3D user interface takes place in real time on the selected screen. Response times are significantly reduced. This solution also allows all computers to be relocated to a secure technology room. Noise and heat pollution are a thing of the past thanks to computer outsourcing.

We demonstrate the advantages of myGUI® to you
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Only one keyboard and mouse to control all systems

It should be secure and convenient – the operation of applications in the control center. JST offers two KVM technologies to choose from. Alternative 1: the IP streaming solution JST MultiStreaming®. A network switch serves as the main interface. It connects workstations and the video wall with the remote source PCs in the technical room. Via MultiStreaming consoles at the workstation and the DisplayWall, the target sources can be switched to any monitor at lightning speed and can be operated directly via a single keyboard and mouse. With the hardware-based MultiConsoling® variant, the MultiCenter in the technical room serves as a “central switch” to ensure secure access to all sources.

JST KVM Systeme - Maus und Tastatur
Our KVM systems – the choice is yours!
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Against cybercrime: Grabbers transmit KVM signals securely even over long distances

JST’s KVM technology uses special hardware for particularly secure transmission. The so-called grabbers reliably transfer KVM signals. Compromising system or network accesses on the connected computers are ruled out. There are two options for transmission: MultiConsoling® provides a highly secure and convenient solution that relies on proprietary signals. Alternatively, the network-based JST MultiStreaming® option replaces proprietary signals with TCP/IP data traffic. The communication protocols reliably switch and transport data packets over the network – even over long distances to worldwide locations.

JST KVM Systeme - Sicherheit durch Grabber
You want maximum security for your systems?
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Access from the home office and from remote locations

Effortless and delay-free access to worldwide locations? Secure remote contact from the home office to the control center? JST combines maximum security and top performance in the “Remote Access” discipline. The KVM over IP variant with JST MultiStreaming® enables worldwide control room remote connectivity without noticeable latency. Smooth, stable, with outstanding transmission quality!

MultiConsoling® also provides a comprehensive and convenient connection of decentralized systems and locations. Integrate computers in decentralized technical rooms via the so-called Grabber IP or connect to a remote control station. Operators can switch on local computers just as quickly and conveniently as remote systems.

Site networking: KVM enables real-time remote access
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Also an economic advantage: flexible system extensions

Flexible scalability and cost control are already an increasingly important aspect in the planning phase in the volatile growth sectors of the current transformation processes. Against this background, KVM systems are the perfect companion in the control room. Both the network architecture of JST MultiStreaming® and the hardware configuration of MultiConsoling® adapt to the needs of companies and organizations. Both solutions were designed by the JST development team in such a way that flexible extensions are possible without any problems. The infrastructure grows with the requirements placed on the respective operations center – a convincing argument, especially from an economic point of view.

JST KVM Systeme - flexibel skalierbar
We focus on cost control and scalability
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Experience more at a planning workshop in the control room simulator

Having visions of the future is good. Experiencing is better! Visit the control room simulator, unique in Europe, where state-of-the-art technology and the latest ergonomic know-how are combined. The control room of the future. The special feature: Here you can touch everything and try it out for yourself.

Whether virtual or live on site – the workshop in the control room simulator is free of charge.
We kindly ask for prior registration.


We offer our customers unique products and solutions for control rooms. An exclusive benefit that only JST can provide.

years of experience

We have been working in the business for more than 30 years. We would be happy to bring our many years of know-how to your project.

conrol rooms

This means that you benefit from our extensive experience and smooth project realisation processes. Because JST keeps everything in mind!


Our experts are among the best. They have been designing control rooms for years. Our team enjoys working together – for you!

Selected by leading companies and institutions

This is where visions become reality: JST components pave the way into the digital age

The integrated control room models from Jungmann Systemtechnik set new standards in efficiency and resource management. Innovative components make the control of your company’s strategic and operational core tasks not only more convenient, but also more secure. We are at your side to develop an overall concept for you that meets the requirements of an increasingly automated world.

JST Control Room 3D

Video: this is how control room control works:

myGUI® platform

The heart of every control room – intuitive and convenient

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We are at your side – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!

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Redundancy solutions

When availability and security come first

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myGUI® platform

The heart of every control room – intuitive and convenient

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We are at your side – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!

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Redundancy solutions

When availability and security come first

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Fixed contact person for all phases of the project

JST Analyse - Bewertung der Prozesse und Bedürfnisse vor Ort

Evaluation of processes and needs on site


Design of the technical and spatial concept


Workflow and task coordination with the specialist departments


Professional implementation of all components


Employee training and initialization of the new Control Center

Turnkey Solutions:

Integrated overall solution creates a real competitive advantage

You want a control center where all information comes together? A control room as a secure basis for the requirements of the digital future, precisely tailored to your processes and needs?

With our experience from more than 600 projects, we are the right partner for turnkey solutions that transform your control room into a profit center.


KVM technology creates digital order in the control room

The future begins with organization and overview in the control room – also on a digital level. Clear structures for controlling your systems are the foundation that gives operators security in their work. Accessing applications in the control room has never been so easy! Signals, sources, functions – connections are available in real time on all desired monitors – even remotely! Find out the most important details about JST MultiStreaming®, the IP streaming option via network and MultiConsoling®, the hardware-based solution, summarized here.

Ease of use, data security, site networking – find out more about the advantages of KVM systems!

Smart and user-friendly: SplitView & Dynamic SplitControl

Smart performance solutions are among the benefits of JST MultiStreaming®. For example, the KVM system allows the operator to create his own “control center” directly at the workstation. With Dynamic SplitControl, the user not only has the option of designing a dynamic arrangement of the most important systems in his user interface. He can also access the selected applications directly and take control of them. The user decides on a case-by-case basis which screen section is the current focus and which window is displayed in which size.

Video wall becomes a multi-player

Each monitor on the large screen wall, on the other hand, receives an intelligent upgrade with SplitView technology. Different screen contents can be combined on a single display – and operated in real time without delay! No information is lost with the IP streaming solution! Size, placement, number – you decide which displays are most important for the central tasks of your control room. Your administrator defines the presets individually and adapts them to your requirements.

Curious about the performance options of JST MultiStreaming®?

Intuitive user interface
convenience and safety with the myGUI® Controller

Clearly structured and intuitively understandable: the myGUI® user interface (GUI: Graphical User Interface) displays the consoles and large screen wall of the control room as a clear 3D image. The platform has stood out in practical tests for years. Users can easily control and operate several computers with a single combination of peripheral devices (keyboard, monitor, mouse). With a single click, the operator can control workstations and video walls as well as cameras, meeting rooms and building technology from any location.

Rights and role management

The JST development team combines this effortless control of all systems with reliable security standards for the highly sensitive sources in the control room environment. The myGUI® Controller is an innovative solution that has been specially designed for the myGUI® database. Your administrator can easily implement the desired strategic rights and role management with the controller. You decide who has access to the existing data and to what extent.

Focus on user-friendliness: one interface for all applications!

KVM systems from JST – compare now!

Whether hardware solution with MultiConsoling® or network-based control of the systems with JST MultiStreaming® – both options score with high flexibility and intuitive operation with the myGUI® user interface. It’s the details that make the difference. Compare for yourself!

Switching sources on the DisplayWall and at the workstation
Transmission type

Proprietary: A manufacturer-specific, unpublished, protocol connects special hardware together.

TCP/IP (network): A connection is established between the devices via a standardized network

Compatibility with JST CockpitView®/PixelDetection®
Remote dial-in

Latency due to IP conversion

Low latency

IT Security

Proprietary signal

AES 128 bit encrypted

Picture in Picture (Pip)
Control and operation of sources in SplitView

By choosing the right KVM system, you can increase flexibility, security and efficiency in your control center!

Would you like to learn more about KVM technology from JST?

JST MultiStreaming

Network-based KVM technology: smart and secure with JST MultiStreaming®

Efficiency, productivity, security – that’s what JST MultiStreaming® stands for. Connect all sources conveniently and flexibly via the network using IP streaming. Even remote access to worldwide target locations is possible – stable, in great quality!

JST MultiStreaming®
JST myGUI Interface

Video wall, workstation and infrastructure under control with the myGUI® platform

The intuitive myGUI® user interface in the 3D layout of your control room offers maximum ease of use for controlling your systems. With just one click you can operate workstations, monitor walls and infrastructure – reliably, even in stressful situations!

More about myGUI®
JST MultiConsoling

MultiConsoling® – the high-availability command center for your control room

MultiConsoling® is the high-availability control center for connecting all of the signals from your systems to the monitors at the operator’s workstation and on the monitor walls. Transmission takes place in real time and does not require any software on your computers.

More about MultiConsoling®

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Visiting the control room simulator is free of charge.
We ask for registration and reservation of dates.
Gladly also as an interactive online meeting.

The large practical book of the control rooms

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The Practice Book is free of charge for JST customers.