Category: Switch room
Critical infrastructures


Innovative control center concept

Stadtwerke Ratingen has upgraded and takes its already high security standards to a new level. In the central control center of the local cross-linked energy supplier, the operators now work with state-of-the-art, future-oriented technology from JST – Jungmann Systemtechnik®. The network management of the most important distribution networks and plants of the municipal utilities as well as the monitoring and control of further system-relevant company-owned plants are carried out with the new system in a correspondingly safer and more efficient manner. This applies in particular to the steadily growing number of customer systems that are integrated into the operational management of Stadtwerke Ratingen within the framework of service agreements. Possible faults are detected more quickly and Stadtwerke Ratingen’s 24/7 on-call service is activated more immediately if necessary.

An increasing number of monitoring tasks in the company’s own networks as well as a growing number of services in the operational management and fault management of customer systems made this step necessary. “Our goal was to be able to monitor and control all systems from a single workstation,” says Christoph Wirthmüller, the electrical specialist responsible for network management, explaining the background to the extensive update in the control center of Stadtwerke Ratingen.

Reference visit was able to convince

In their search for appropriate specialists, those responsible quickly came into contact with JST and were able to make a reference visit to Düsseldorfer HSBC Bank gives a picture of the range of services offered by the JST control center professionals Christoph Wirthmüller: “The reference visit convinced us that we had found the right service provider in JST. They presented us there with a self-contained system that meets all the requirements of a modern control center”.

JST - Ratingen Public Utility Company: Large display wall with coloured alarm light

JST large display wall: The JSTDisplayWall keeps the entire control center team informed about the most important events in real time. The JST-PixelDetection® software ensures automatic source switching to the DisplayWall. At the same time the coloured AlarmLight ensures that no alarm is lost.

"Consultation and demonstration were excellent"

But also the solution approaches individually tailored to the Ratingen project were convincing: “Consulting and demonstration were top”, Christoph Wirthmüller evaluates the concept from the pen of JST consultant Volker Weimer. “The entire presentation was convincing, as well as the overall implementation from the preliminary planningto the commissioning of an entire plant that was ”in itself functional” from a single source,” says the project manager.

JST - Ratingen Public Utility Company: Display wall with six UltraSlimLIne LC displays

JST large-screen technology: Thanks to ultra-thin frames, the six 46 inch displaysare ideal for big-picture displays; this means that an image can be displayed very large and across frames across multiple displays.

Technical desires have become reality

Today, Ratingen works with an ultra-modern 24/7-optimised large display wall. In addition, JST-MultiConsoling® also allowed the wish to control all systems from one workstation to be realised. “The acceptance of the users is correspondingly high due to the multitude of possibilities that are now available.

Compared to the old system, the overview has been significantly improved, but the individual adjustments of the monitoring settings are also a real advantage. Thanks to the MultiConsoling® there is no longer any need for costly space changes. A simple switchover is all that is needed to keep the desired systems in view”.

JST - Stadtwerke Ratingen: the MultiCenter is the technical heart of MultiConsoling

JST technology: The orange JST application server with the JST PixelDetection software®. Among them: the heart of the JST-MultiConsoling® — the MultiCenter. With MultiConsoling®, all computers and cameras to be added are switched to the DisplayWall or to the monitors of the workstations and operated in real time with mouse and keyboard. This gives users the greatest possible flexibility while complying with all IT security guidelines.

Approval also for the surveillance software

The JST Software PixelDetection®receives special approval: important fault messages no longer have to be actively detected by the user. The visual/auditive alarms draw attention directly to the important systems. “Attention! Something’s happened!” Stadtwerke Ratingen’s assessment of the new plant is clearly positive. “Only once you now see what you can do with all the systems we have, you realise the extent of what we were missing out on in the past,” says project manager Wirthmüller.

JST Stadwerke Ratingen - Control centre before modernisation JST Stadwerke Ratingen - Control centre after modernisation

Control center after modernisation / before modernisation

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