Photo 1 | JST control room: Around 300,000 people in Magdeburg and the surrounding area depend on the energy control center for gas, heating, drinking water and wastewater. With a completely new equipment from JST – Jungmann Systemtechnik® the Städtische Werke Magdeburg have created optimal conditions for a fast and safe fault management.
Photo 2 | JST control center equipment: Neither optical illusion nor photomontage: Two of the three operator workstations were set up quasi-mirror-inverted with identical technical equipment, , large screen and furniture. Background: In Magdeburg the so-called "clean desk" is aimed at - a tidy working atmosphere in which one can act free from distractions and disturbing impulses.
Photo 3 | JST Control room furnishings: A perfect match of technology and design - the lighting on the StratosX11 OperatorDesk and on the media board below the DisplayWall is controlled by key combination; the colors are freely and intuitively selectable.
Photo 4 | JST Consulting: One aspect that Maik Steschulat, shown here in conversation with JST consultant Volker Weimer (left), particularly appreciates: For the experts at JST – Jungmann Systemtechnik®, a partnership-based cooperation is one of the cornerstones of the company philosophy.
Photo 5 | JST CommandDesk: The Control center desks – here the semicircular model "Curve" - offer numerous ergonomic advantages. In addition to generous legroom and a particularly deep table top with a lowered monitor footprint, these include in particular the electromotive height adjustment, ...
Photo 6 | JST operator console: ...which, for example, allows switching between sitting and standing. Each operator can adjust “his” Stratos CommandDesk to his individual needs.
Photo 7 | JST control center desk: In this way, the environment of the operator workstation always remains clear and tidy - in the supply rooms of the Stratos control center desks…
Photo 8 | …even extensive technical installations find room. A special feature that standard work tables do not offer. The supply rooms are illuminated and easily accessible.
Photo 9 | JST Operator console: Extremely stable StratosX11 control center desks, specially designed for 24/7 shift operation, offer the operator fatigue-free working. Special emphasis is placed on large legroom and concealed cable routing with tidy installation of the entire technology.
Photo 10 | JST control room desk: At all three workstations in Magdeburg, the decision was made to use the high-quality Stratos operator consoles - here in the version with straight lines. This model, too, is equipped with...
Photo 11 | ... ...behind which there are generously dimensioned, illuminated supply rooms that offer sufficient space for technology and large quantities of cables, thus creating a perfect picture in the control room.
Photo 12 | JST ControlRoom-Automation: Recessed directly into the tabletop of the OperatorDesks - the JST CommandPad® for the JST-. In Magdeburg, the buttons enable lightning-fast activation of special installations of building services engineering as well as various algorithms of different systems at the push of a button during shift transfers.
Photo 13 | JST Furniture: individual furnishing variants, which fit into the control room environment - JST Furniture manufacturer meets customer requirements with special equipment.
Photo 14 | JST Furniture: Special solutions are one of the strengths of JST, especially when it comes to customer requirements for furniture. Here for example special wall cabinets with personality cases for the employees.
Photo 15 | JST control room workstation: The two identical control room workstations were each equipped with a large screen wall consisting of four 46" business displays with ultra-slim frames. They also allow cross-frame images. "This display feature enables deviations from the standard overviews to be identified particularly quickly," explains Maik Steschulat.
Photo 16 | JST large screen technology: In a connected room there is a third workstation equipped with an 80 inch display. Thanks to the JST JST MultiConsoling® technology, employees can also access and control all systems from here.
Photo 17 | JST Large screen technology: View between the two large screen walls installed at the rear of the system: The individual displays were neatly integrated into JST display racks. They can be continuously adjusted vertically and horizontally. The advantage: an exact joint pattern on the front side.
Photo 18 | JST MultiConsoling®: The myGUI® – shown here on the middle screen - is used as a user interface for the MultiConsoling®, with which it is possible to display any sources (computers, cameras, etc.) in real time on workstation monitors, on individual large screen displays or as BigPicture across several large screen displays. Another special feature: One mouse and keyboard per seat is all that is needed to operate everything in real time.
Photo 19 | JST Technology: The entire technology was relocated to a technical room using MultiConsoling®. "This gives us significant advantages in the control center in terms of climate and noise pollution," comments Maik Steschulat.
New control center for energy suppliers - contact, concept and components convince
A single workstation, equipped with a formation of 20 monitors, seven or eight keyboard-mouse units and six telephones – this picture belongs in the control center of Städtische Werke Magdeburg GmbH & Co. KG (short: SWM Magdeburg), this picture is fortunately a thing of the past. In the course of its 25th anniversary, the company has completely re-equipped its energy control center with the support of JST control room professionals in terms of technology, ergonomics and appearance.
Around 300,000 people depend on SWM Magdeburg as their energy supplier for the supply of gas, drinking water and heat as well as for wastewater. If there is a malfunction somewhere, for example a burst pipe or a leaking gas pipe, everything is in the hands of the energy control center staff. They must coordinate emergency services for fault clearance, if necessary initiate civil engineering and cordoning off measures or organize traffic diversions and fire brigade operations.
Control center as a sign of appreciation
The relevance of this activity is usually only revealed in dramatic incidents. It is therefore all the more important that the workstations in the 24/7 manned control center of the energy supplier meet the highest technical and ergonomic requirements. “These newly equipped premises also have something to do with the esteem in which the employees are held,” explains Maik Steschulat, Head of Dispatching/Network Management Gas/Water/Heat/Wastewater at SWM Magdeburg. “There is a difference between a windowless office in the basement and a room with daylight and quality furnishings.”
JST control centers on the test bench
Maik Steschulat and his team found the desired equipment after precise market sounding with the experts of Jungmann Systemtechnik.
The SWM project team was able to put the JST control centers to the test at Stadtwerke Hannover, as well as Stadtwerken Dresden (DREWAG) and last but not least at their own subsidiary Netze Magdeburg. Maik Steschulat: “I also visited the ko:mon congress and also the JST control room simulator – that was a well-rounded story”.
Contact, concept and components have convinced
When, after a points analysis by an external office and the subsequent invitation to tender for the project, the economic side was also convincing, the decision was made. “At JST we liked the overall concept for the energy control center consisting of furniture, technology and customer service – an acquisition at eye level,” recalls Maik Steschulat, who not only appreciates the personal cooperation with JST consultant Volker Weimer, but also clearly emphasizes the technical competence of the hardware and software specialists.
All relevant data at a glance with large screen technology
What makes the new control center of the energy supplier and thus also the work situation of the operators so remarkable? Each of the three workstations in the energy control room is assigned a large screen wall, which provides a quick overview of all relevant data by displaying network diagrams, diagrams and graphics in BigPicture format, thus enabling faults to be detected without delay. The monitors directly at the workstation, on the other hand, are used for detailed work, such as message and alarm lists or various office applications.
Safety despite removal of the system limit
Other plus points of the new installation: height-adjustable work desks, room climate and acoustics have been optimized by relocating the technology, and the team benefits from the advantages of JST MultiConsolings®. Maik Steschulat: “Everyone is now free to decide which source is to be visualized at what time on which display. This technology also allows us to combine the various network worlds with the main system. We work without system boundaries and still fulfill the IT security according to UP CI (implementation plan critical infrastructures) and IT security law”.
Fear of contact put to rest in a few days
Even if there were initially some skeptical voices from the ranks of the employees (“it can’t be that it all just works by drag & drop”), even the biggest critics were quickly disabused: “Within a few days, all fear of contact was forgotten – that’s quite remarkable”, Maik Steschulat is pleased about the quick acceptance that the new technology has found in the operator team at SWM Magdeburg.
Unsere Referenzen heute (Auswahl)
- s.Oliver, Rottendorf
- SachsenEnergie, Dresden
- SAG, Berlin
- SAG, Nürnberg / Nürnberg Messe
- Salzgitter Flachstahl
- Senvion SE, Osterrönfeld
- SGL Carbon Group, Bonn
- SIEMENS, Wegberg
- Spenner Zement, Erwitte
- Städtische Werke Magdeburg
- Stadtwerke Gießen
- Stadtwerke Ratingen
- Stadtwerke Schwerin, Kraftwerk Süd
- Stadtwerke Steinburg GmbH, Itzehoe
- Stadtwerke Wolfenbüttel
- Starlim Sterner, Marchtrenk
- STORAG ETZEL, Friedeburg
- Straßenverkehrsamt Frankfurt am Main
Unsere Referenzen (Archive)