Set up a situation center with the experts from JST Jungmann

Situation centers are generally required to be set up by authorities or institutions that monitor and administer a particular situation centrally around the clock. They are responsible for the safety of people and facilities. Information is collected in the situation center, bundled and, if necessary, passed on to control authorities. Whether it is disaster control, police authorities, the Bundeswehr, ministries or the highest government level. JST is an expert in setting up situation centers where discretion and security are paramount. Our professional know-how and our expertise in handling highly sensitive data set us apart as a highly sought-after provider of systems technology in the situation center.

Situation Centre Setup with JST Jungmann
Hamburg Police Headquarters
  • Everything from a single source: architecture, technology, light, acoustics, climate planning
  • Monitor walls for 24/7 operation in situation centers
  • Connection of crisis rooms and standby teams
  • Highly stable situation center furniture custom-made by our furniture makers
  • Perfect overview and efficient operation for all parties
Chosen by leading companies and institutions

Practical examples: Situation center setup

All the pieces come together in the situation center. Here it is important to be alert and to keep an eye on every detail. These can be incoming emergency calls from the public or radio messages from the local ambulance service. Reports of crimes or emerging unrest in the city. Here it is essential that the reliability of the systems is always fully guaranteed. The staff on duty must not miss anything. Fast action is a basic requirement. Feel free to have a look at our references. You are sure to find a project that closely matches your requirements.

We will be happy to put you in touch with the appropriate contact person.

New traffic control center is the core of the metro system

“We have proven that Berlin construction projects can be completed on time and without increasing costs,” says Antje Michalak, responsible for the “Control Centers 2014+” project of Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe, which includes the new operations control center for the underground railway (BLU). Jungmann Systemtechnik also contributed to this new building project with a total budget of 8.9 million euros. 170 employees control the train traffic around the clock from the core of the metro system in Lichtenberg.

JST References - Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe: Project Manager happy with JST's work
"We've built a perfect control center here."

Lars Kramer (left) / Antje Michalak / Matthias Borgwald (right)

Sub-Project Manager IT Engineering / General Project Manager / Sub-Network Manager

Modernisation of traffic control center at Hamburg Police Headquarters

Greater safety on Hamburg’s roads and better traffic flow on the routes of the Hanseatic city – two declared goals that will be achieved with the new, ultra-modern traffic control center at the police headquarters in Alsterdorf. The technical prerequisites were met thanks to the professional support of the general contractor SWARCO TRAFFIC SYSTEMS GmbH and Jungmann Systemtechnik – acting as subcontractor of SWARCO.

JST - Traffic Control Centre Hamburg. Police Commissioner Jürgen Otten
Thanks to state-of-the-art technology, he is able to join his colleagues on virtual patrols of the Hanseatic City of Hamburg via the Cube large display wall:

Jürgen Otten

Police Commissioner

JST creates "technical luxury class" with Fleet Operations Center

Discover a new world every day, new people, new countries and in between always find time to relax on board a cruise ship. To make holiday dreams come true on the ships of the AIDA and Costa fleet, a highly qualified team of nautical experts watches over the 25 ships of the Costa Group in the background. A Marine Operations Unit with a central Fleet Operations Center (FOC) was created in Hamburg under the name “Carnival Maritime.” Jungmann Systemtechnik provided support in setting up the FOC.

Avatar M
"We needed someone who really knew their way around, was well versed in the field and was able to implement our project within a very short time. We also liked the design."

Michael Salzmann

Senior Superintendent of the FOC

JST product overview: Think of everything!

JST-solutions and components. Control-room-drawing

Set up a situation center with the appropriate components

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Our situation center is also intended to be linked to remote systems or crisis rooms. Is that possible?

Yes. A comprehensive connection of systems and locations can be established via the ControlRoom Remote. Our MultiConsoling®-based Grabber IP and Grabber VM systems enable you to connect distributed systems and locations in a comprehensive and convenient way. Using the Grabber IP, you can integrate computers in your situation center that are located in other (distributed) technical rooms. If you want, you can access remote virtual machines directly via Grabber VM. Do you want to connect to another control room? This is also easily done via Grabber IP. We’ve thought of everything. Your employees are able to connect local computers just as quickly and conveniently as remote systems. The operation is performed via our uniform graphic interface for control room management called “myGUI®

  • Practical: Only one user interface for controlling large display walls and for connecting
  • Secure: Cross-site backup scenarios of complete situation centers
  • Strong team: Easy connection to other situation centers, crisis rooms, standby teams
  • Convenient: Fully automatic authentication

In an emergency situation, we must bring all parties up to the same level in both the situation center and the crisis rooms. How does that work?

This wish can be solved with our own unique MultiConsoling® – the network-independent real-time control center. We developed MultiConsoling® for connecting computer, camera and TV signals directly with monitors at the operator’s workstation, monitor walls or (distributed) crisis rooms. All signals from the computers to be displayed (keyboard, mouse, monitor, audio), analogue or digital cameras and TV (image and audio) run simultaneously and are displayed in real-time to individual large-format displays or as BigPicture to several large-format displays. In combination with our myGUI® user interface, every operator has complete control of the large display wall and workstations within just four minutes!

  • Real time: Image display and operation in real time
  • Intuitive: 3D user interface in the design of the situation center thanks to myGUI®.
  • Secure: Transmission independent of the IP network
  • Flexible: No additional software required on your source computers
  • Comprehensive control: Connection of distributed control rooms with high availability
  • Free-Seating: The operator can change workplaces within a few seconds

We are happy to answer your questions regarding setting up a situation center

icon-phone +49 4161 54044-0

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