Traffic management center - continuous monitoring of all traffic routes

Regardless of whether it’s the subway network of a large city or the highway of a federal state – if something doesn’t go according to plan it can cause both the timetable and traffic to become quite confused. In order to prevent a domino effect with unpleasant consequences, traffic must be handled quickly and carefully in the traffic management center. And around the clock.

In order to always keep an overview in the traffic management center, JST offers the latest technology, which is exactly adapted to the respective application. With our specially developed professional tools, which are only available from JST, we also provide every operations control center with valuable support in 24/7 operation. You can experience all this in combination live in our control room simulator.

Traffic Control Centre of JST Jungmann
Hamburg Police Headquarters
  • Resilient: Monitor walls for 24/7 operation
  • Safe: baua Study, BG, VBG, escape routes
  • Pleasant: Optimal working atmosphere, suitable design
Chosen by leading companies and institutions

Practical examples: Traffic control center

Jungmann Systemtechnik is a sought-after expert for the planning and implementation of traffic control center. JST takes components such as ergonomics, viewing angle, lighting and hardware as well as software, infrastructure and the adaptation of existing systems and networks into account during planning. The optimisation of human communication is also enormously important in order to successfully carry out the project. Our reference projects will give you a taste of what the perfect end result can look like.

We will be happy to put you in touch with the appropriate contact person.

New control center for traffic monitoring with monitor wall and flexible control

Rush hour traffic in the city. The streets are full and commuters gather at the local transport stops. If a bus breaks down now, it will be difficult. In case of breakdowns or delays, everything depends on the control center in the university town of Göttingen. There, ideal technical conditions for traffic monitoring have now been created in favour of reaction time. With products made by JST, the employees of the Göttinger Verkehrsbetriebe GmbH are able to maintain an overview.

JST - Göttinger Verkehrsbetriebe: Project Managers are happy
Praise from traffic master Ricardo Mecke: "I have never worked with someone so professional before. From the first meeting to the installation, everything went perfectly."

Thomas Zimmermann / Ricardo Mecke / Dr. Jens Conrad (from left)

Operations manager / traffic master / administrator

JST - Göttinger Verkehrsbetriebe: Operator workstations in front of the large display wall

New traffic management center is the core of the metro system

“We have proven that Berlin construction projects can be completed on time and without increasing costs,” says Antje Michalak, responsible for the “Control Centers 2014+” project of Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe, which includes the new operations control center for the underground railway (BLU). Jungmann Systemtechnik also contributed to this new building project with a total budget of 8.9 million euros. 170 employees control the train traffic around the clock from the core of the metro system in Lichtenberg.

JST References - Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe: Project Manager happy with JST's work
"We've built a perfect control center here."

Lars Kramer (left) / Antje Michalak / Matthias Borgwald (right)

Sub-Project Manager IT Engineering / General Project Manager / Sub-Network Manager

The NRW traffic management center has a complete overview of the motorways

“Watch out for traffic!” – with so-called traffic management systems, the traffic management center is able to demonstrably improve traffic safety and traffic flow on the motorway routes in NRW. After merging the planning, construction and operation of these telematics facilities under the umbrella of the North Rhine-Westphalia Road Construction State Enterprise – Straßen.NRW for short – in April 2013, they will be controlled by the operators of the newly built traffic management center in Leverkusen. JST MultiConsoling® enables operators to keep a permanent eye on what is happening on the motorways and, if necessary, to intervene quickly and in a results-oriented manner.

JST References - "NRW Traffic Centre" Project Team: Michael Kalisch, Mario Lukas and Ingo Menzel

Ingo Menzel (left) / Mario Lukas / Michael Kalisch (right)

"NRW Traffic Control Center" Project Team

JST - NRW Traffic Centre

JST product overview: Think of everything!

JST-solutions and components. Control-room-drawing

Set up a traffic control center with the appropriate components

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We are currently planning the construction of a traffic management center. We would like to get to know the products, professional tools and control center furniture from JST. Is that possible?

We will gladly invite your project managers to visit our control room simulator in Buxtehude free of charge. Here our team of experts is at your side and you can and should try out all components from our range live. In the Europe-wide unique simulator for control centers we show you technology that will inspire you. Experience our understanding of perfect ergonomics and be surprised when we give you a glimpse of the possibilities of the future. Up to this day we have been able to inspire every visitor. When may we welcome you?

Which components are used when setting up a traffic management center?

Which elements are ultimately needed depends on the requirements, the budget and the current circumstances. The basic basis of any operations control center is always the optimal display of the systems on the corresponding monitor walls.

  • MultiConsoling® and myGUI®: achieve maximum flexibility and simplify the operation of your systems.
  • CockpitView: The personal dashboard of the operator – shows everything at a glance.
  • PixelDetection®: A rapid tool. It reduces the reaction time to a minimum.
  • myLogin®: Makes logging in at every workstation safe and easy.
  • Control room furniture: Innovative ergonomic concepts for fatigue-free and concentrated work.

Monitors as far as the eye can see. In our traffic management center we want to solve the problem cleverly. How can JST help us?

Our professional solution is called: MultiConsoling® – and it is a control center. In this way we connect computers, cameras, TV signals etc. directly to monitors at the operator’s workstation, on monitor walls or in crisis rooms. This flexible workstation interconnection will reduce the number of individual screens to the necessary minimum. This includes saying goodbye to keyboards and mice as much as possible. A great advantage of MultiConsoling® is that the operator is free to choose where they want to work. At workstations set up as required, the relevant employee logs in as required. This promotes teamwork. You can quickly and spontaneously get together to form a special task force wherever it makes sense. We also remove disturbing noises and high temperatures. This improves the working atmosphere enormously. Learn more about the ingenious solutions that are only available at JST Systemtechnik.

We are happy to answer your questions on the subject of traffic control centers

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