Photo 1 | JST control station concept: A perfect coordination of technology and design, also with regard to the colour scheme - in the Berlin SAG control station, the employees benefit from the ergonomic advantages of the control station furniture from the Stratos series, a large screen and the proven JST MultiConsoling®
Photo 2 | JST control desk: Consistent use of space with visually perfect lines - the "Curve" operator desk from the Stratos series by JST offers sufficient space for two operators; naturally taking into account all relevant ergonomic aspects.
Photo 3 | JST furniture: Optics and design are of great importance for Jungmann products. Here - on customer request - the individualisation of the operator consoles with the SAG logo on the side walls.
Photo 4 | JST control center: Special solutions that are adapted to local conditions are also among the strengths of JST. Here, for example, a lateral cable duct.
Photo 5 | JST control center desk: The Stratos X11® OperatorDesk - shown here in the "Curve" version - not only meets the highest ergonomic and visual demands, ...
Photo 6 | JST control center desks: ...behind the inspection flaps are generously proportioned, illuminated supply rooms, which always guarantee a tidy control room.
Photo 7 | JST Displays: Thanks to the movable display rack, the business displays, which are optimised for 24/7 operation, can be flexibly rolled backwards and forwards in the room to allow rear access for maintenance purposes.
Photo 8 | JST DisplayWall: In the DisplayRack (here the rear view) all displays can be aligned with millimetre precision to ensure an exact gap distance at the front. The MultiConsoling®receivers can also be seen here, which receive signals from a wide variety of sources at the click of a mouse.
Photo 9 | JST MultiConsoling®: The JST MultiConsoling®is controlled with the interactive 3-D user interface MyGUI. Thanks to this technology, it is possible to display any sources (computers, cameras, etc.) in real time on workstation monitors, on individual large-screen displays or as BigPicture across several large-screen displays. Another special feature: Only one mouse and keyboard are needed per seat to operate everything in real time.
Photo 10 | JST MultiConsoling®: Required to switch the signals in real-time to the large screen wall and workstations - the MultiCenter, the hardware for the JST MultiConsoling®.
Large screen wall as "team player" in the control room
Renewable energies are clearly continuing to gain ground. It is thus obvious that the number of transformer stations is also increasing throughout Germany. They are needed to feed the energy from wind and water into the high-voltage grid of the energy suppliers or transmission system operators. In the past, transformer stations were staffed with personnel, today operators in central control centersdo this. For example in the Berlin control center of the SAG Group, which with the support of Jungmann Systemtechnik GmbH has equipped itself technically and ergonomically for the future.
An exact image of the approximately 40 transformer stations to be monitored throughout Germany is provided for the employees of the SAG measuring center in Berlin. They control switchgear for feeding regenerative energy sources into the networks of the various energy suppliers, carry out necessary switching operations remotely and ensure that appropriate measures are taken in the event of faults. For example, fault clearance missions are organised nationwide from Berlin.
"Jungmann has convinced us"
“Our old control center was falling apart in the face of increasing demands. Also, the technology was completely outdated,” recalls Klauspeter Pein, Head of Engineering and Commissioning. The solution: a larger control centerwith professional measurement control center equipment. In the search for an experienced partner, SAG experts found JST. Klauspeter Pein: “Intensive comparisons and investigations were carried out in advance. Jungmann convinced us – both in terms of design and technical solutions”.
JST control center desks: The Stratos X11® OperatorDesk – shown here in the “Curve” version – meets the highest ergonomic and visual demands.
Large display wall as a “real team player“
Thanks to its sophisticated equipment with operator consoles from the JST Stratos series, the new control center does indeed fulfil representative purposes, but the technical systems are of course in the foreground. For example, the new large display wall has proven to be a “real team player”. “Whereas we used to have to monitor everything via the monitors at the workplace, we can now benefit from the advantages of large-screen technology,” explains Klauspeter Pein, who in this context particularly emphasises excellent clarity and improved possibilities for problem solving.
JST Displays: Thanks to the movable display rack, the business displays, which are optimised for 24/7 operation, can be flexibly rolled backwards and forwards in the room to allow rear access for maintenance purposes.
Improved working climate thanks to the outsourcing of computers
Of particular importance to the operator is outsourcing of the noisy IT equipment into a separate technical room, which was made possible by the JST MultiConsoling®, a system for controlling all workstations and the large-screen system: “We benefit from an improved working climate, as neither operating noise nor heat in the control center is a problem.
JST MultiConsoling®: The JST MultiConsoling® is controlled with the interactive 3-D user interface MyGUI. Thanks to this technology, it is possible to display any sources (computers, cameras, etc.) in real time on workstation monitors, on individual large-screen displays or as BigPicture across several large-screen displays. Another special feature: Only one mouse and keyboard are needed per seat to operate everything in real time.
Wants and needs perfectly implemented
Klauspeter Pein evaluates the work of Jungmann’s experts as “all-round successful” – from the first contacts with Managing Director Carsten Jungmann to the installation by the technical experts: “The JST experience has paid off for us.
Unsere Referenzen heute (Auswahl)
- s.Oliver, Rottendorf
- SachsenEnergie, Dresden
- SAG, Berlin
- SAG, Nürnberg / Nürnberg Messe
- Salzgitter Flachstahl
- Senvion SE, Osterrönfeld
- SGL Carbon Group, Bonn
- SIEMENS, Wegberg
- Spenner Zement, Erwitte
- Städtische Werke Magdeburg
- Stadtwerke Gießen
- Stadtwerke Ratingen
- Stadtwerke Schwerin, Kraftwerk Süd
- Stadtwerke Steinburg GmbH, Itzehoe
- Stadtwerke Wolfenbüttel
- Starlim Sterner, Marchtrenk
- STORAG ETZEL, Friedeburg
- Straßenverkehrsamt Frankfurt am Main
Unsere Referenzen (Archive)