Fault report form - transfer to the JST ticket system

Important: If you have a contract with us with fixed response and recovery times, please make sure to use the hotline telephone number on your SLA card for fault reporting.

    *Required field

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    We are happy to help! This is how satisfied our customers were with the fault rectification:

    We contact our customers after every fault has been rectified. In a personal conversation with the customer’s employee, who can correctly evaluate our performance, we ask for the following parameters: “availability of support”, “time to find the cause / fault clearance” and “friendliness of the technicians“.

    The queried data (0 – 10 points) are recorded anonymously in a database. We are making these available for inspection here.

    In addition, this conversation provides us with valuable feedback as to where we can improve in the near future. This feedback regularly flows into our work processes. At this point we would like to thank all customers for their criticism and praise.

    JST-Teamviewer - software tool for online consultations and online support

    With teamviewer, a connection is established via the Internet to the screen of your personal customer advisor.

    You can see the screen content of your consultant. Presentations, images or technical documents can be viewed and analysed together online in this way. If desired, you can also collaborate online in the document.

    Your benefit: The program is only executed temporarily for the consulting period. It is not necessary to install it on your computer. No changes to your computer or network (router, firewall …) are necessary. No information is transferred from your computer to the consultant.

    JST Teamviewer also meets challenging security criteria.

    Instructions for setting up an online consulting service:

    1. Please click here to download the programme:


    2. You will be asked to download the necessary executable file. Please save it on your hard disk and start the file.
    3. In the session start dialogue, please pass your Partner ID to your JST contact. When a meeting takes place, our employee will give you the meeting ID.

      Have fun and success with your personal online meeting.

    Certificate of exemption

    to the tax deduction for construction work in accordance with § 48b paragraph 1 sentence 1 of the Personal Income Tax Act (EStG)

    End of Life // End of Service

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