Photo 1 | JST Control center concept: When monitoring the operating and emission data, the operator team in the control center of the waste treatment plant in Bonn benefits from the extensive wealth of experience of the JST specialists. A perfect combination of technology and design creates ideal working conditions for the employees in the 24/7 manned control room, where safety is the top priority.
Photo 2 | More than 1,000 tons of residual waste are delivered to the waste treatment plant in Bonn on an average working day - enough material every year to generate energy for an entire small town.
Photo 3 | From the new control center there is a direct view into the waste bunker, from where the waste is fed into the thermal recycling process. The photo shows a part of the crane system, which is used for charging the furnace and can now be operated directly by the operators of the control center.
Photo 4 | JST Large display wall: The process control systems as well as the emission values and important camera systems, which are used for example for fire monitoring, are flexibly displayed on the large display walland on the workplace monitors using the JST-MultiConsoling®technology.
Photo 5 | JST Operator Desk: The stepless electromotive height adjustment makes it possible – the specialStratos X11® CommandDesks can be individually adapted to the needs of every operator. To relieve back strain, the user can switch between sitting and standing, for example.
Photo 6 | JST control center desks: No matter whether front or rear: the Stratos X11® OperatorDesk gives a clean and tidy impression at all times, without visible technology or cables. …
Photo 7 | ... Behind the revision flaps are generously proportioned, illuminated supply rooms that offer sufficient space for technology and large quantities of cables, thus creating a perfect picture in the control room.
Photo 8 | JST monitor articulated arms: The workstation monitors are attached to the OperatorDesks with height-adjustable 3D articulated arms. They allow an optimal and individually adjustable viewing angle and viewing distance on all displays through a parabolic arrangement.
Photo 9 | JST Power-Port-Data-Box: Flush-mounted in the surface of the Stratos X11® OperatorDesk: the Power-Port Data Box, which...
Photo 10 | …when open, makes the required supply connections conveniently available directly at the workplace.
Photo 11 | JST Large display wall: The JST DisplayWall with a total of eight 46-inch displays keeps the operators in the control center informed about the most important events in real time. Whether combustion or flue gas cleaning - special attention is paid to emission data. This ensures that the permissible limit values are never exceeded.
Photo 12 | JST Large display wall: The 24/7 optimised business displays are integrated in JST-DisplayRacks – the ideal solution if no load-bearing wall is available for installing the LC displays For the case of revision the racks are equipped with roller runners.
Photo 13 | JST DisplayRack: Rear view of a JST DisplayRack. There the receivers for the JST-MultiConsoling® can be found.
Photo 14 | JST MultiConsoling®: myGUI – shown here on the left screen - serves as user interface for the MultiConsoling®. Advantage of this technology: Computer signals with keyboard, video, mouse, audio signals, cameras and even TVs are flexibly displayed in real time on the monitors at the workplace or on the large display walls.
Photo 15 | JST control center desk: Each monitor receives a receiver for the JST-MultiConsoling® - directly at the workplace, professionally installed in the Stratos X11® OperatorDesk.
Photo 16 | JST Technology: Less heat, no irritating noises: The computer technology was outsourced to an external technology room. The components for the JST-MultiConsoling®Multi can also be found there.
Control center as the heart of the waste treatment plant
All operating and emission data converge at their premises, they check that the limit values are not exceeded under any circumstances, thus guaranteeing the highest safety standards: The operators in the new control center of the Müllverwertungsanlage Bonn GmbH (MVA), a subsidiary of Stadtwerke Bonn, monitor all data and functions at the heart of the plant. This important task is supported by products from JST – Jungmann Systemtechnik®.
More than 1,000 tons of waste arrive at the waste treatment plant every working day. Every year, more than 500,000 megawatt hours of steam are generated from the delivered residual waste – enough energy for a small town. In order to guarantee operation of the waste treatment plant 365 days a year, around the clock, according to the highest safety standards, the persons in charge had the most modern control technology from Jungmann Systemtechnik installed.
The suitable switching technology was needed
The background to the new construction of the central control center was the extension of the plant by a new waste bunker. “In this context, we wanted to integrate the workplace of the crane operator, who controls the crane system, into the new control center,” explains Frank Nachtsheim, plant manager at MVA. In future, it should be possible for the operators in the control center, which is manned 24/7, to take over the task of the crane operator – with the appropriate environmental technology.
MultiConsoling® as an ideal solution
This is exactly where JST’s MultiConsoling® concept comes into play. Frank Nachtsheim: “We didn’t have to install any additional monitors and mouse/keyboard units, but can conveniently switch on all desired applications by key combination. That was part of the charm for us”.
ST MultiConsoling®: The myGUI – shown here on the left screen – serves as the user interface for the JST MultiConsoling®. Advantage of this technology: Computer signals with keyboard, video, mouse, audio signals, cameras and even TVs are flexibly displayed in real time on the monitors at the workplace or on the large display walls.
Technical University recommends Jungmann
But there was another convincing reason for commissioning JST to equip the new control center: in order to harmonise all the wishes for the new control center, the waste treatment plant project team commissioned an exposé from the Technical University of Dresden which included lighting, colour scheme and, most importantly ergonomic issues. In this paper, the TU Dresden already referred directly to the expertise of the Jungmann specialists.
Ergonomics and technology perfectly matched
“Then it was clear to us that we should seek contact with JST,” says Frank Nachtsheim. The result of this cooperation is not only a perfectly coordinated technical concept, the PixelDetection® alarm software. Ergonomic control center desks are also part of the equipment The advanced control center is complemented by a large-display system with 8x 46 inch slimline displays, which contribute to the safety of the entire plant through emission and process monitoring.
JST Operator Desk: The stepless electromotive height adjustment makes it possible – the specialStratos X11® CommandDesks can be individually adapted to the needs of every operator. For example, to relieve back strain, the user can switch between sitting and standing.
JST monitor articulated arms: The workstation monitors are attached to the OperatorDesks with height-adjustable 3D articulated arms. They allow an optimal and individually adjustable viewing angle and viewing distance on all displays through a parabolic arrangement.
Contact is intensified on the ko:mon
But with the completed installation and successful operation of the new central control center, contact with Jungmann Systemtechnik is far from over for the experts from the Bonn treatment plant: As early as September, three employees of the plant will visit the ko:mon-Kongress in Bremen in order to seek a direct exchange of experience with other industry insiders. Frank Nachtsheim: “A good way to stay up to date with the technical side of things.”
Unsere Referenzen heute (Auswahl)
- s.Oliver, Rottendorf
- SachsenEnergie, Dresden
- SAG, Berlin
- SAG, Nürnberg / Nürnberg Messe
- Salzgitter Flachstahl
- Senvion SE, Osterrönfeld
- SGL Carbon Group, Bonn
- SIEMENS, Wegberg
- Spenner Zement, Erwitte
- Städtische Werke Magdeburg
- Stadtwerke Gießen
- Stadtwerke Ratingen
- Stadtwerke Schwerin, Kraftwerk Süd
- Stadtwerke Steinburg GmbH, Itzehoe
- Stadtwerke Wolfenbüttel
- Starlim Sterner, Marchtrenk
- STORAG ETZEL, Friedeburg
- Straßenverkehrsamt Frankfurt am Main
Unsere Referenzen (Archive)